Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 7 (Saturday) Let's Play Ball !

Well it's Saturday the big day we have been waiting for since our arrival in Arusha, since we first started talking about this acouple months ago!  The Arusha Hotel was alive this morning at breakfast.  The Drake team, parents and fans of the Drake program were all eating breakfast.  I believe they wanted to keep all the Americans in the same hotel since it was a very safe facility.  The seven of us zebras ate together, since the arrival of Drake University it has been pretty obvious we are the officials for the game.

We departed around 11 AM in team buses, friends and family buses and we were asked to fill in the empty seats.  WE once again received the police escort, traffice was stopped for this caravan of vehicles.  I hope we were able to catch the excitement of the events inside Arusha Stadium as well as some game pictures and many post game pictures.  Our Arusha friend, Craig, an American missionary who would love to live here worked on our chain gang and I asked if he would not only watch my camera but also take pictures as he was able, as long as it didn't affect with his job on the chains.

As we talked after the game, and even as we reflected over some Kilimanjaro Beer that this past week has not only been the most incredible, life changing event, but that this experience has enriched our lives forever and the bond between the 7 of us officials is one very special experience that is very hard to explain to people that don't understand the hours of preporation and studying of things that might only happen less than 5% during a contest.  The rewards outweigh the abuse we receive at times.  I have been truly blessed in my life to have an opportunity to do this with 6 other very incredible people.  Enjoy the Celebration that happened today in Arusha Stadium!

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